SYSTRONICS Repositions CashWorks as the Cashbook Product of Choice in the South East Asian Market
Latest version of ACCPAC add-on product completes basic development cycle
Dubai – August 22, 2004: SYSTRONICS, an ACCPAC Development Partner, announced today that it will participate in the SAGE Vision 2004 Asia Conference & Exhibition for the second consecutive year, which is to be held this year in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam, from 15th-21st November 2004. CashWorks will be on show as a complete cashbook product.
The SAGE Vision 2004 Conference & Exhibition is an annual event that brings together the cream of ACCPAC Solution Providers & Development Partners from around the South East Asian region to give them an insight into the latest developments and solutions that are currently being deployed by some of the leading organizations around the world.
“We have a unique sales and support proposition to South East Asian ACCPAC Solution Providers this year. One that provides them with an economical and stable cashbook product, with the build-in future dated transaction handling capability” said Zareh Tutunjian, CEO of SYSTRONICS. “CashWorks uses existing Advantage Series user access licenses, thus reducing the initial investment substantially. Moreover, support related issues are negligible, due to CashWorks’ operation within ACCPAC Advantage Series,” continued Tutunjian.
With the Comprehensive Cash Management Console (CCMC™), CashWorks for AAS is specifically designed to simplify transaction processing regardless of whether they are current dated or future dated.
“With CashWorks, our customers are able to handle very large numbers of cash and check transactions, enjoying the same look and feel as ACCPAC Advantage Series, but with considerably more functionality, like Customer Payments, Bounced Checks, Returned Checks, Intuitive Bank Reconciliation, and many more,” continued Tutunjian.
For the first time, visitors to the show will be able to see the Trade Finance™ for ACCPAC Advantage Series and Trade Job Costing™ for ACCPAC Advantage Series applications that are part of SYSTRONICS’ International Trade Suite for ACCPAC Advantage Series.
“We have another unique sales proposition to South East Asian ACCPAC Solution Providers this year. One that opens a completely new market segment before them, one that was never tapped before,” said Tutunjian. “With Trade Finance for AAS and Trade Job Costing for AAS, we have created an opportunity for easy access to importers, wholesalers, brokers, commission agents and manufacturer’s representatives, and many more,” continued Tutunjian.
A new version of Field Extender™ for AAS will also be on display, featuring its latest Fields@Anywhere™ for AAS and Macros@Anywhere™ for AAS functionalities.
“By providing Fields@Anywhere™ and Macros@Anywhere™, we brought the concept of configuring Advantage Series “Without Programming” to Field Extender. End-Users and Solution Providers alike will now be able to highly customize Advantage Series with just the click of the mouse,” concluded Tutunjian.

With 48 years experience in business solutions, 30 years Sage 300 know-how and 17 powerful Sage 300 SDK applications, SYSTRONICS is recognized as a reliable Development Partner by vendors and customers alike. Over the years, SYSTRONICS' achievements have been acknowledged by international market leaders, in testimony of which they have rewarded SYSTRONICS with prestigious industry accolades. SYSTRONICS is the winner of the “Sage Development Partner of the Year 2006-2007 for International Achievement” and “Sage Development Partner of the Year 2005” awards. “AR-AP Settlements™”, “BACCPAC™”, “Cashflow Forecasting™”, “CashWorks™”, “Database Manager™”, “Field Extender™”, “Gulf Utilities™ for Payroll”, “I/C Item Converter™”, “I/C Multi-Location Cost Averaging™”, “I/C Stock Aging Report™”, “Intercompany Utilities™”, “iPortal™”, “MyHelp™”, “PJC Security™”, “Revenue & Expense Deferrals™”, “Royalty Payments™”, “SYSTRONICS Stock Aging Report™”,“ToolPac - Subledger Reconciliation Toolsets™”, “Trade Finance™”, “Trade Job Costing™” & “MyOwnAddOn™” are products and services available from SYSTRONICS (www.systronics.com).