CashWorks Delivers Full Cashbook Functionality
Dubai – June 1, 2004: SYSTRONICS, an ACCPAC Development Partner, announced today its participation in Insights 2004, Best Software’s annual North American event, which is to be held in Orlando, FL, USA, between the 10th and 13th of June, 2004.
Insights 2004 is unique this year, as it brings ACCPAC and Best Software business partners together, in a first-of-its-kind conference and exhibition. Insights 2004 will create an unprecedented opportunity to a large partner channel that was never available before, allowing them to cater to the needs of an ever growing customer base.
Insights 2004 is especially interesting to Development Partners, as it paves the way to extend their add-on products over the full range of Best Software products. Solution Providers and Development Partners from around the world will be networking, to share their experiences and to review latest developments and solutions that can be deployed by Best Software users worldwide.
“Insights 2004 is a particularly special event for us, since it is the first time ACCPAC and Best Software partners will come together to share their market experience. We will learn how two competing product groups can complete each other. We will also learn how we can address the needs of a much larges market. I guess Development Partners have much to gain from Insights, since we will network with new partners and widen our horizon, expand our product offerings and extend the functionality available within our solutions,” said Zareh Tutunjian, CEO of SYSTRONICS. “This makes Insights a place where products like CashWorks, Trade Finance™ and Trade Job Costing™, will gain wider recognition” continued Tutunjian.
CashWorks is now a mature cashbook product and will be re-launched at Insights 2004. Currently in its third version, CashWorks CW5.2C is the foundation for a complete cash management module.
“Cash Flow Reports including Post Dated Transactions, Interactive Customer and Vendor Activity Inquiries, Dynamic Credit Limits, Payment & Receipt Alerts, Inter Modular Reconciliations, Electronic Document Attachments and many more features are planned for future versions of CashWorks,” continued Tutunjian.
Of particular value are CW5.2C reports, with the Receipt & Payment Aging, Transaction Listing and Aged Trial Balance reports taking central stage.
“CashWorks is designed to become the “Central Cash Management Console” for ACCPAC Advantage Series,” concluded Tutunjian.
The latest version of Field Extender™ and prototypes of Trade Finance & Trade Job Costing will also be on display at Insights 2004.

With 48 years experience in business solutions, 30 years Sage 300 know-how and 17 powerful Sage 300 SDK applications, SYSTRONICS is recognized as a reliable Development Partner by vendors and customers alike. Over the years, SYSTRONICS' achievements have been acknowledged by international market leaders, in testimony of which they have rewarded SYSTRONICS with prestigious industry accolades. SYSTRONICS is the winner of the “Sage Development Partner of the Year 2006-2007 for International Achievement” and “Sage Development Partner of the Year 2005” awards. “AR-AP Settlements™”, “BACCPAC™”, “Cashflow Forecasting™”, “CashWorks™”, “Database Manager™”, “Field Extender™”, “Gulf Utilities™ for Payroll”, “I/C Item Converter™”, “I/C Multi-Location Cost Averaging™”, “I/C Stock Aging Report™”, “Intercompany Utilities™”, “iPortal™”, “MyHelp™”, “PJC Security™”, “Revenue & Expense Deferrals™”, “Royalty Payments™”, “SYSTRONICS Stock Aging Report™”,“ToolPac - Subledger Reconciliation Toolsets™”, “Trade Finance™”, “Trade Job Costing™” & “MyOwnAddOn™” are products and services available from SYSTRONICS (www.systronics.com).