At Insights 2005, which is SYSTRONICS’ second participation in the North American annual event, an extensive suite of ACCPAC® Advantage Series™ Add-Ons will be showcased to a large number of international attendees.
SYSTRONICS is targeting to utilize this unique opportunity to launch an innovative application, which is particularly useful to those who offer Professional Services, as it helps in improving one’s Best Practices.
“It is our belief that MyHelp for ACCPAC® Advantage Series™ is an innovative product, which we have designed specially for those who carry out professional ERP implementations, using documented methodologies and procedures. MyHelp is a tool that adds quality to the implementation work itself,” said Zareh Tutunjian, CEO of SYSTRONICS. “This makes MyHelp a unique and indispensable product in the ACCPAC world,” continued Tutunjian.
MyHelp allows consultants, accountants, project managers, finance managers, operations managers and other such executives, to document important business instructions, making vital information readily available to end-users on-line and assisting them with their daily work.
“During the past 10 years, we felt the need for a product like MyHelp in our ERP implementation projects. Many customers have requested to retain copies of our implementation documentation. They have compiled notes and site-specific instructions, which have unfortunately remained in locked files. The preparation of site-specific flow-charts is yet another requirement that has surfaced in many instances. Operations Managers have inquired about where and how their business procedures and guidelines could be communicated to end-users,” added Tutunjian.
MyHelp delivers in-house processes, procedures, special instructions, business guidelines, best practices, sample transactions, reminders, templates, site-specific information, management requirements, and many other documents, packaged professionally, making them available to AAS end-users in a convenient and easy-to-use manner.
“By launching MyHelp in a professional show like Insights 2005, we intend to highlight the ROI value it brings to ACCPAC® Advantage Series™ customers” concluded Tutunjian.
Other Products Available From SYSTRONICS:
Field Extender™: Field Extender is an ACCPAC SDK application for the creation and maintenance of unlimited optional fields and electronic documents, and their attachment to AAS transactions, at Batch, Entry and Detail Line levels. Field Extender is an excellent tool for creating advanced reports and managing electronic documents. Any number of fields can be dynamically defined as “Electronic Attachment”, “Date”, “Numeric”, “Boolean”, “String” and many more. Your imagination is the limit! Using Field Extender, you can now print your own color Product Catalog in-house, with Images and Rich Text, direct from your AAS inventory database. It's fast, easy and economical! - http://www.systronics.com/?p=products/fe
CashWorks™: CashWorks is an ACCPAC SDK application, designed to provide an easy way to process your G/L & Customer receipts, G/L & Vendor payments and Customer Payments regardless of whether they are current dated or post dated. CashWorks supports Bank Reconciliation, Multiple lines in G/L Entry, Taxes, and Check Printing. CashWorks includes Receipts & Payments Aging Report, Customer Transactions Report, and prints vouchers for all receipt and payment transactions. - http://www.systronics.com/?p=products/cw
Trade Job Costing™: Trade Job Costing 5.2A is an SDK application for ACCPAC Advantage Series, which provides a mechanism to capture basic information about a trade deal, but more importantly, it records related financial and operational transactions. Deals are commercial projects or jobs, which are potential orders that may or may not be confirmed and which consist of numerous business transactions conducted by an intermediary, between a number of vendors and customers. In most common Deals, merchandises are not physically processed through inventory, but are purchased from vendors and shipped to customers directly. Generally, a Deal would consist of multiple Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Shipments, Invoices and Payments, all of which are generated and negotiated under a single Deal. In addition to tracking historical and analytical data on Deals, Trade Job Costing 5.2A is most useful for commitment and margin analysis. Typical Deal examples are wholesale businesses and tenders for the supply of material or equipment to hotels, hospitals, universities or the military. - http://www.systronics.com/?p=products/tjc
Trade Finance™: Trade Finance (TF) is an SDK application for ACCPAC Advantage Series, which allows the user to track and maintain Letters of Credit, Letters of Guarantee, Trust Receipts, Loans, Avals and other trade related Operations. Trade Finance 5.2A updates payments, bank charges and retained margins in AAS SM, GL, & A/P modules, and interfaces with P/O & O/E. In version 5.2A, Trade Finance caters to Outward LCs and related Setup & Reports only, supporting the following Transactions: Opening, Adjustment, Amendment, Negotiation, Reversal, Cancellation & Closing. - http://www.systronics.com/?p=products/tf
AR-AP Settlements™: AR-AP Settlements allows linking A/P Vendor accounts to A/R Customer accounts when such vendors are customers at the same time. Consequently, when users enter customer receipts, they are notified of the corresponding vendor balances. Similarly, when users enter vendor payments, they are notified of the corresponding customer balances.
I/C Multi-Location Cost Averaging™: I/C Multi-Location Cost Averaging is developed to meet a specific need by AAS users, who wish to maintain the same cost for an item in all locations, rather than having different costs in each location as it is the case in AAS I/C.
I/C Stock Aging Report™: Use I/C Stock Aging Report to view and print aging of the stock from ACCPAC® Advantage Series™ Inventory Control Module. Stock is aged across locations defined in I/C, based on receipts information. First In First Out (FIFO) operations method is assumed regardless of costing method used in IC. "Age as of" date must be defined for aging the stock. The "Current Stock" column in the report shows the stock position as of this date. The Report allows filtering by up to eleven fields.
GULF*Gratuity™: GULF*Gratuity helps ACCPAC® Advantage Series™ users to manage their gratuity and end-of-service benefit calculations more efficiently, with control and security. It provides a Full and Final Settlement Statement when terminating an employee, calculates end-of-service benefits with an option to include gratuity amounts. - http://www.systronics.com/?p=products/components

With 48 years experience in business solutions, 30 years Sage 300 know-how and 17 powerful Sage 300 SDK applications, SYSTRONICS is recognized as a reliable Development Partner by vendors and customers alike. Over the years, SYSTRONICS' achievements have been acknowledged by international market leaders, in testimony of which they have rewarded SYSTRONICS with prestigious industry accolades. SYSTRONICS is the winner of the “Sage Development Partner of the Year 2006-2007 for International Achievement” and “Sage Development Partner of the Year 2005” awards. “AR-AP Settlements™”, “BACCPAC™”, “Cashflow Forecasting™”, “CashWorks™”, “Database Manager™”, “Field Extender™”, “Gulf Utilities™ for Payroll”, “I/C Item Converter™”, “I/C Multi-Location Cost Averaging™”, “I/C Stock Aging Report™”, “Intercompany Utilities™”, “iPortal™”, “MyHelp™”, “PJC Security™”, “Revenue & Expense Deferrals™”, “Royalty Payments™”, “SYSTRONICS Stock Aging Report™”,“ToolPac - Subledger Reconciliation Toolsets™”, “Trade Finance™”, “Trade Job Costing™” & “MyOwnAddOn™” are products and services available from SYSTRONICS (www.systronics.com).