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Partnership South Africa 2005

SYSTRONICS is proud to announce its participation in Partnership South Africa 2005, which starts in Cape Town, on February 10, 2005 and ends on February 12, 2005.

During this Conference and Exhibition, Hrayr Galoyan, SYSTRONICS Software Development Manager, will present a new range of ACCPAC Advantage Series compatible Components, in addition to the current range of SYSTRONICS SDK Applications, to African Solution Providers and Development Partners.

Event Theme
Contact SYSTRONICS for Customizations Your Customers Need!

Products On Show
Trade Finance™ 5.2A
for ACCPAC® Advantage Series™

For trade importers who open a large number of letters of credits, Trade Finance for ACCPAC® Advantage Series™ is an operations management tool that centralizes LC related information and documentation, organizing them from within Advantage Series and posting LC transactions online to financial modules. Unlike manually maintaining LC information in Microsoft™ Excel spreadsheets and paper-based documents in filing cabinets, Trade Finance simplifies operations, increases performance and organizes workspace electronically.

I/C Multi-Location Cost Averaging™ 5.2A
for ACCPAC® Advantage Series™

I/C Multi-Location Cost Averaging is developed to meet a specific need by AAS users, who wish to maintain the same cost for an item in all locations, rather than having different costs in each location as it is the case in AAS I/C.

I/C Multi-Location Cost Averaging recalculates the I/C Item cost by averaging costs of the item in all locations. Thus receipt or transfer of an item to a location affects not only the cost of that item in that location but also its cost in all locations. The User can select items for which cost is to be averaged by Item Number range and Receiving Slip Number range. I/C Multi-Location Cost Averaging adjusts the item cost using the AAS I/C adjustment function.

IC Multi-Location Cost Averaging integrates with AAS I/C and P/O modules.

Trade Job Costing™ 5.2A
for ACCPAC® Advantage Series™

For wholesale traders, manufacturer’s representatives and brokers who ship to customers directly without stocking, bid to tenders, broker business deals, trade in shares or run commission agencies, Trade Job Costing for ACCPAC® Advantage Series™ is an operations management tool that transacts without holding stock, sells first buys later and monitors fulfillments and commitments, providing an instant view of profit margins. Unlike maintaining this information in disparate and unrelated transactions, Trade Job Costing consolidates all Advantage Series operational transactions under Trade Job Numbers.

I/C Stock Aging Report™ 5.2
for ACCPAC® Advantage Series™

Use I/C Stock Aging Report to view and print aging of the stock from ACCPAC® Advantage Series Inventory Control Module. Stock is aged across locations defined in I/C, based on receipts information. First In First Out (FIFO) operations method is assumed regardless of costing method used in I/C. “Age as of” date must be defined for aging the stock. The “Current Stock” column in the report shows the stock position as of this date. The Report allows filtering by up to eleven fields.

Field Extender™ 5.3D
for ACCPAC® Advantage Series™

For all ACCPAC® Advantage Series™ users with specific customization needs and advanced reporting requirements, Field Extender for ACCPAC® Advantage Series™ is an easy-to-use SDK customization tool that works with Advantage Series 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3 and supports electronic attachments, without the need for programming. Unlike other Advantage Series customization tools, Field Extender includes the user-friendly “Fields@Anywhere™” and “Macros@Anywhere™” features, which add unlimited user-defined fields and VBA macros respectively to Advantage Series, MISys and other SDK application transactions.

AR-AP Settlements™ 1.0A
for ACCPAC® Advantage Series™

AR-AP Settlements allows linking A/P Vendor accounts to A/R Customer accounts when such vendors are customers at the same time. Consequently, when users enter customer receipts, they are notified of the corresponding vendor balances. Similarly, when users enter vendor payments, they are notified of the corresponding customer balances.

One customer can be linked to one vendor only. Similarly, one vendor can only be linked to one customer.

CashWorks™ 5.3C
for ACCPAC® Advantage Series™

For accountants who process large numbers of cash transactions, CashWorks for ACCPAC® Advantage Series™ is a cash management enhancement tool that works within Advantage Series, eliminating customer support related issues, at a very affordable price. Unlike other cashbook and bank management modules, CashWorks offers customer payments, support for future dated transactions, intuitive bank reconciliation and a comprehensive cash management console.


With 48 years experience in business solutions, 30 years Sage 300 know-how and 17 powerful Sage 300 SDK applications, SYSTRONICS is recognized as a reliable Development Partner by vendors and customers alike.  Over the years, SYSTRONICS' achievements have been acknowledged by international market leaders, in testimony of which they have rewarded SYSTRONICS with prestigious industry accolades.  SYSTRONICS is the winner of the “Sage Development Partner of the Year 2006-2007 for International Achievement” and “Sage Development Partner of the Year 2005” awards. “AR-AP Settlements™”, “BACCPAC™”, “Cashflow Forecasting™”, “CashWorks™”, “Database Manager™”, “Field Extender™”, “Gulf Utilities™ for Payroll”, “I/C Item Converter™”, “I/C Multi-Location Cost Averaging™”, “I/C Stock Aging Report™”, “Intercompany Utilities™”, “iPortal™”, “MyHelp™”, “PJC Security™”, “Revenue & Expense Deferrals™”, “Royalty Payments™”, “SYSTRONICS Stock Aging Report™”,“ToolPac - Subledger Reconciliation Toolsets™”, “Trade Finance™”, “Trade Job Costing™” & “MyOwnAddOn™” are products and services available from SYSTRONICS (